Dashboard Settings Tab

Managing your account in the Settings tab

Please note that you might have to ask your MEG Administrator or the Support Team for permissions. 

Within the Settings tab on the dashboard it's possible to change forms/questions, manage users, wards/areas/ departments, manage common issues, issue handlers, set up email reports, timeline events and public dashboards.


Forms - A list of the current audits your hospital/care setting is subscribed to.  Here you can change questions, edit issues associated with the question and configure the audit form.

Users - A list of users that use MEG in your organisation. Here you can add new users, update profiles, make users inactive and update users permissions. 

Teams - Manage teams and make users a part of a certain team or clinical setting such as infection control users, radiology users etc.

Locations/Departments - Wards or sole care settings on the system that are relevant to your organisation. 

Groups/Wards/Areas - Makes a ward a part of a certain setting such as surgery etc. 

Common Issues - A predefined set of issues that are linked to a particular audit when you identify an issue on the ward during an audit.  These can be added to and taken from the audit. 

Issue Handlers - When you identify an issue during an audit, you can identify particular persons to that issue so they can receive emails and carry out any improvement work that is identified during the audit. Here you can add new “Issue Handlers” or change “Issue Handlers”.

Public Dashboards/Information/Email Reports/Timeline Events - These are all information sections that can be programmed to send information about audits, general guideline updates, report emails and events you would like to make colleagues aware of while using the app. 

If you’d like more instructions on how to use the Settings tab, please refer to the MEG Manual for Admins or get in touch with our Support Team at support@megit.com.